Three Tips for Competition Research (Brand Builders)

Brand Builders Ruby Dog Designs

Instagram Marketing
Here’s a sobering fact: other people are way ahead of you when it comes to Charlotte NC IG marketing. If you are getting into the instagram game a bit later than you would have hoped, this may seem a bit disheartening. I have good news: You can use your competition’s tactics to strengthen your own! Check them out with these three tips.

First Tip: Steal their strategies.

Find out which posts they make get a lot of reaction, and which don’t get any responses at all. Your competition has already done the heavy lifting for you, so make good use of it with some upfront instagram research.

Second tip: Post frequency.

See how many posts the competition is making. Maybe this is a good opportunity for you to post more than them.

Third Tip: Partner with the competition.

Provide them with some unique content for a repost or a mention. This will help you get infront of their followers. Since you and your competition share similar niche markets, you are likely to get some of their followers hopping on over to your page to check you out. This will help you grow your own fanbase.

(Important! Before using this tactic, Make sure that you have a substantial amount of posts. You don’t want potential fans won’t visit your page and see a blank instagram!)

Here are some ideas of unique content to get a repost: an industry related infograph, a professional photo op, an industry related illustration, a compilation cheat sheet, a nice design made with the competition’s logo.

Now that you’ve got your killer competition intel, what about branding your unique content?