Discover Valuable Data Through Simple Surveying

Picture this: you are selling clothing on your trendy online boutique. You have been doing very well for yourself online, but you want better conversion rates. But then you start to think about the thousands of visitors that visit your site and don’t buy anything: what happens to those people that don’t convert? Are they merely lost leads? No! Get your website developer to create an exit survey or an email form that asks why they decided not to purchase your service. You can make this a totally open ended question.

Next, compile your data and tally up which results repeat.

Take this data, and create a video of yourself addressing these objections to purchasing and post it on the key buyer decision pages. Creating a video helps build trust because they can see you, hear your voice, and understand the earnestness in your logic. You can also recycle this video and post it on your social media with minor edits! Now you are doing a better job at addressing the needs of those that do not convert. Think you can do this? Go get ’em!